Building together. To the glory of God.

How You Can Help

Our need is pressing. We need your prayers and financial support to complete our campus and fund scholarships!

The Greatest Impact: Student Scholarships

Your regular monthly or annual donations of any amount makes a huge difference. You can provide a full scholarship for one student, including room and board for $6,000 per year. Or you can give an academic-only scholarship for $3,000 per year. The support you give can change a student's life, providing them with the education and resources they need to thrive.


The annual cost of supporting a student is $6,000, covering classroom expenses, meals, accommodations, and school supplies to ensure their success. Click to learn more about our students today. Your support is appreciated.

Christine Katala

Christine is a young woman with ambition! This ambition will help her make an impact on the world as she studies agriculture.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Beatrice Banda
Business Administration

Beatrice's love of studying will help her go far in life!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Faithfulness Lungu

Faithfulness loves reading and writing! This will help in her studies to become an educator.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Isaac Daka

Isaac is an enthusiastic young man with many interests and passions!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Luckson Samukaya
General Studies

Luckson is a multi-faceted young man. His adaptability in many situations will make him a great businessman!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Siza Banda

Siza's interests in connecting with the world through music will help her in her pursuit of agricultural studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Esnart Daka Angolile
ICT in Education

Esnart's love of books and the storytelling of cartoons will help her succeed in her passion for studying education!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Given Chishimba

Given is a multi-passionate young man. One of these passions is learning new things. This passion will take him far in his study of agriculture!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joyce Kakoma
Business Administration

Joyce's desire to provide for her family and her discipline in all her activities in life will make her a successful business administrator!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Emeldah Muleya
Business Administration

Emeldah is a talented young woman! Her diverse ability in various languages and heart for the deaf community will take her far in life!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Happiness Kafula
Business Administration

Happiness has many interests in the arts. This will help her in being creative in her own business one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Serah Mulenga

Serah's heart for people will motivate her to make an impact on the agricultural industry!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Saith Chileshe
Business Administration

Saith's love of poetry and music will help him connect with people from all walks of life. This will take him far in his pursuit of business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Gloriana Pandakana
Business Administration

Gloriana's bilingual skills will be great as she studies business.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Elijah Mulongwe

His love of the Lord will fuel his theological studies!

$91 USD of $6,000 2%

2% of Scholarship Target

Sington Tenisala

Sington's heart for the Lord and agriculture will allow him to minister to many people!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Maureen Muwowo
Business Administration

Her love of reading will help her succeed in her studies of business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Cynthia Choombe

Cynthia has many interests and passions. One of those passions is to study business at ACU!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

McDonald Zulu
Business Administration

McDonald's multiple interests will take him far in his studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Poniso Sitali

Poniso's intelligence will take him far in his agricultural career!

$1,500 USD of $6,000 25%

25% of Scholarship Target

Moses Banda

Moses's love of God's creation will take him far in his agricultural studies!

$1,500 USD of $6,000 25%

25% of Scholarship Target

Mike Zulu

Mike has been through a lot in life including the death of his father. This hardship will make him a compassionate nurse!

$366 USD of $6,000 6%

6% of Scholarship Target

Nelson Kumwenda

Nelson loves learning about the world around him; he wants to make an impact on the world the Lord created!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Hilary Phiri
Business Administration or Agriculture

Hilary's love of meeting new people allows him to build business relationships whether it be with other businesspeople or other farmers.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Nathan Chombela

Nathan's family's background in business will make him excel in any career he chooses.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Elizabeth Mwanza

Elizabeth's love for meeting new people will help her impact today's youth!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Moses Chipepo
General Studies

Moses is a young man who's passionate about the world of business.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Watson Mtonga
Genera Studies

Watson's ability to speak many languages, knowledge of books, and his love for the Lord will help in whatever he decides to study!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joyce Mwanza

Joyce being a part of a large family will help her be a better doctor!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Elijah Banda
Business Administration

Elijah's love of connecting with people in his local church will be advantageous for his pursuit of Business.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Cleopatra Chate
Business Administration

Cleopatra is a bright, young woman who is hardworking and loves her family.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Keldah Ngoya

Keldah has always loved helping those younger than her. She hopes to become an amazing teacher one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joseph Sichande
Business Administration

Joseph loves to gain knowledge and his passion for learning will help him achieve his big ambitions!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Kayula Mwansa

Kayula is a creative soul who loves to learn about the world around her. This will help her in her agricultural studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Vera Mutale
Business Administration

Vera's diverse interests will help her in any business she decides to pursue!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Zachariah Muzimba
Business Administration

Zachariah's musical talents and abilities helps him to access his creative side. This will help him succeed in his business studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Lewis Mansa
Business Administration

Lewis's multiple hobbies will take him far in his career!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Memory Zulu

Memory loves to experience the wonders of her Lord through worship! She would love to work in the agricultural industry!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Mary Chanda

Mary's ability to connect with people from all walks of life will help her succeed in her study of agriculture!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joshua Jitanda

Joshua's love of the outdoors, like playing soccer, will take him far in his agricultural studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Chekwevera Kazembe

His interests in reading and football will help him connect with today's youth!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Mellan Mwansa
Business Administration

Mellan's multiple interests will take her far in life!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Henry Nkundwe
Business Administration

Henry's multiple passions will take him far in his studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Daniel Mbewe

Daniel's multiple passions of agriculture and business will go hand in hand that will take him far in life!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Mwila Chomba
General Studies

Mwila loves to read and listen to music! Her dedication will help her succeed in her studies.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Milimo Chikampa

Milimo's passion for reading and theology will make him a great educator of the youth one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Blessings Mwale
Business Administration

Blessings has a lot of interests in the world of entertainment. These interests will help him as he one day builds his own business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Esnelly Lubingu

Esnelly is an active member of her church where she enjoys singing and praising her Savior!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Simon Zulu

Simon is very passionate about serving the society around him. The main way he hopes to do that is through agriculture!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Richard Zulu
Business Administration

His love of music sparks creativity inside him. This creativity will take her far in the world of business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Mahongo Kayombo
General Studies

Mahongo is a passionate, young woman that has a bright future ahead!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Cornelius Sinkala

Cornelius's multiple interests will help him make a big impact on the agricultural industry!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Obert Mwale
Business Administration

Obert's multiple hobbies will take him far in his career!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Fred Mwila
Agriculture or Business

Fred's interests in recording and producing will help in whatever path of studies he chooses!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Gloria Sakala
Business Administration

Gloria's multiple passions will help her in the business world. Flexibility + creativity are vital in the business world and Gloria has what it takes!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Paul Wandila
Business Administration

Paul's multiple interests will take him far in his business career!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Macmillan Muleya
Business Administration

His desire to study hard will translate into his career as a businessman one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Aaron Kapusa
Business Administration

Aaron is an entrepreneur. The experience that he has gained from his family's fish business will take him far in his studies.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Romance Mumba
Business Administration

Romance is always looking to better herself with reading motivational books. This will take her far in her studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Natasha Yombwe
Business Administration

Natasha has an eye for fashion! Natasha aspires to use her business degree to open her own fabric factory one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Allan Musonda
Business Administration

Allan's love for the entertainment industry will motivate him to do well in the world of business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Jacob Ingwe

Jacob's heart for the Lord and passion in agriculture will take him far in making an impact on this world!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joshua Musonda
General Studies

Joshua's love for the Lord and enjoying God's creation will help him in whatever he wants to pursue!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Gift Chipeta

As an active member of his local church, Gift would love to further his relationship with the Lord through the studying of His Word!

$90 USD of $6,000 2%

2% of Scholarship Target

Francis Banda
General Studies

Francis's strong desire to learn more about the world around him will make him an amazing businessman!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Ireen Machona

Ireen's many passions in the arts will help her to be creative when challenges arise. This will take her far in her business studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Fred Samusasa
General Studies

Fred is a very creative man! He looks up to brilliant men but most of all, he loves his Lord and Savior!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joseph Banda
Business Administration

Joseph's dedication to his hobbies will help him go far in his studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

George Tembo

George loves to channel his observations into his drawings! He can take his love of the arts into the agricultural industry!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Judith Mwale

Judith has a passion to help others around her. Judith's desire one day is to help moms and their babies during the most vulnerable time of life!

$3,000 USD of $6,000 50%

50% of Scholarship Target

Victor Mutambo
Business Administration

Victor's passions will help him succeed in the world of business!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Shepherd Chibesa

Shepherd's deep passion for reading the most important book of all will make him an excellent educator one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Dismas Mboshya
General Studies

Dismas's love of music and creativity will take him far in any area that he studies!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Walusa Kachingwe
Business Administration

Walusa's desire to become an accountant will allow him to help others with financial issues.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Rotary Mooya

Rotary has always loved learning more about the world around him!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Joshua Buzanga
General Studies

Joshua's faithful service in ministry and to his family will equip him to take on any field of study that he desires!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Jemmimah Kayumba
Business Administration

Jemmimah is an avid reader! Her love of reading will assist her in her studies.

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Destiny Ingwe
Business Administartion

Destiny's interests in entertainment and the world of business will allow him to go so many places!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Deborah Mtonga

Deborah would love to contribute to the food industry. She wants to have her own farm one day!

$0 USD of $6,000 0%

0% of Scholarship Target

Mwansa Mbewe Memorial Fund


Mwansa Ndemi Mbewe was a beloved son, brother, husband and friend. He was an exuberant, young man who lived his life to the glory of God. Mwansa spent much of his time ministering to the students of ACU. He wanted to see the students flourish and create successful lives all while following the will of the Lord.

Mwansa went home to glory on November 19, 2023. The Mwansa Mbewe Memorial Fund allows ACU to honor the life and ministry of Mwansa Mbewe and bless students of ACU.

Learn more about the Mwansa Mbewe Memorial Fund

The Ebenezer Construction Project

Your financial support for the Ebenezer Construction Project as well as our future building projects will ensure that we have the resources to establish permanent roots in Lusaka, operate with stability, and provide safe, comfortable facilities for all of our students for years to come.


  • Road Construction
  • Environmental Project Brief
  • Prospecting for Water
  • Phase 1 Fencing
  • Drilling and Plumbing
  • Permission Fees
  • Electric
  • Leveling Ground/Landscaping
  • Transport of Storage Containers


We want to thank everyone who has been partnering and supporting us through ongoing donations. If you are not able to give currently, please pray with us as we watch the Lord do amazing things!

About Us

African Christian University is a liberal arts college located in southern Africa — east of Zambia's capital city, Lusaka. Our mission is to glorify God by offering an excellent, innovative academic experience as well as by providing training that is stewardship-oriented, based in a biblical worldview and is truly African.